Although the majority of the funerals we arrange are still very traditional, over recent years there has been an increase in families wishing for a more personalised funeral that reflects the loved one they have lost. Your allocated funeral director will assist you in making this possible in a number of ways ranging from, the coffin being carried by members of the family, members of the family being involved in the service, a bespoke design of coffin or floral tribute that may represent a favourite hobby, football team or sport. Or possibly just a particular piece of music that holds a special memory or significance. The options are endless. We will be very happy to help and guide you, in any request that you may have, to make your final goodbye a very special memory. Another area we have seen an increase in, is families wishing to arrange an environmentally friendly funeral. Again your allocated funeral director will be happy to discuss various options including woodland burial sites, coffins made entirely of natural products i.e. willow, seagrass, or bamboo and even wool.